Five signs you need to find a new travel job

Do you really hate your job, or do you just hate it today? Sometimes it can be hard to tell. But if the bad days are outnumbering the good, and you find yourself nodding along to several of the following points, then it may be time to begin your next travel job hunt

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Or lack of. Did you begin your current role with excitement and enthusiasm but now find yourself doing the bare minimum to get by? That's a clear sign that you've outgrown your job. We're not all lucky enough to be in a role that we'll jump out of bed each morning for, but we shouldn't feel utter apathy about work either.

When did you last feel excited about your job? When did you last enjoy it? When were you last given a new task that you actually looked forward to tackling? When did you last go home and say you enjoyed your day? If you're struggling to answer any (or all) of those questions, then it could be time for action.


Some people thrive on stress and deadlines, but too much stress isn't healthy for anyone. We all need to be able to switch off for a while, so we shouldn't be checking our inbox every two minutes outside of the office. Work anxiety can manifest itself in various other forms such as a lack of energy, general irritability, or even having no appetite, so think about whether you recognise any of these traits in yourself.

Our career can have a huge impact on how happy we are in our spare time and how we interact with family and friends, and it can be far too easy to let the unhappiness we feel at work seep into our relationships.

If you're worrying about work so much you struggle to sleep at night or are finding you can't enjoy Sundays because your dreading the next morning so much, then it simply may not be healthy to carry on as things are.


Watching the clock on a slow Friday afternoon at work is one thing, but being in a perpetual state of wishing you were elsewhere is another. It may be a cliché, but most of us spend more time at work than we do with our loved ones, so it's perfectly reasonable to want a job that at the very least passes the time quickly.

If you've felt bored at work for the last few months, it could be worth speaking to your manager about it. They wouldn't want one of their employees to feel unchallenged or unmotivated – after all, bored people are less likely to be fully engaged in their job and are therefore more prone to making mistakes - so consider asking for more responsibility or a different focus in your role. But if nothing really changes after this conversation, maybe finding a completely new position at a different company could be best for all parties.

No progression

Here's an interesting one – think about your last week at work and how it compares to your first. Has it changed? Have you progressed? Has it stayed pretty much the same?

We should always be developing and learning new skills no matter how old we are or how long we've been in a job, so what have you learned in the past six months? What have you done in the past year to add to your CV?

It's fine to feel comfortable at work, but feeling like your career's stuck with no hint of progression is entirely different.

Even worse, if you're putting in long hours and working to the best of your ability, but see no reward or development opportunities, then this can be hugely demotivating and can result in frustration, anger and resentment.

Employees who feel undervalued and unchallenged can stagnate, so it could be time to assess your options and consider working for a different company which offers greater opportunities for you to grow.

You're already job hunting

A clear sign that you need to move on is if you're already checking out what else is available. If you've looked at a few travel job adverts (or even if you clicked on this post!) then deep down, you probably already know that it's time for you to take on a new challenge.

If you're still unsure, then it essentially comes down to three options; continue in your current role and try to find the positives in it, talk to your manager about your concerns and how you would like things to change, or speak to a recruiter about which other opportunities are available.